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About summer, Xiaoqin

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So far summer, Xiaoqin has created 8 blog entries.

good news|Warmly congratulations to our company on winning the title of "Specialized, Specialized and New" Small and Medium Enterprises in Sichuan Province

Warm congratulations to Chengdu Xinhe Technology Co., Ltd. for winning the title of "Specialized, Specialized and New" Small and Medium Enterprises in Sichuan Province

By |2025-03-18T06:29:00+00:00March 18th, 2025|company news|Comments Off on good news|Warmly congratulations to our company on winning the title of "Specialized, Specialized and New" Small and Medium Enterprises in Sichuan Province

38Goddess Day | The boss personally delivers flowers,Such a corporate culture,Loved it!

In this spring-filled March, we are ushering in the 38th Goddess Day. To thank the hard work of the Xinhexi goddesses, the company specially prepared a mysterious gift, which is a series of surprises. Let’s reveal it together! The breeze teases the strings of spring. The shining goddess festival comes as promised. When the goddesses are busy with their work, a mysterious gift comes quietly. Yes, the boss leads the "leadership group" to take action in person to give the goddesses beautiful flowers. The sudden gift fills the surprises of the festival. The air is full of sweet taste, except for the flowers.、女神红包 公司还为全体员工送上零食大礼包 这是节日的惊喜 亦是日常的关怀 更是以人为本企业文化的彰显 小小的仪式感传递浓浓公司情 每位员工都感受到公司的温度 这样的企业文化谁不爱! 女神们 你们不仅是职场上的铿锵玫瑰 更是自己熠熠发光的人生主角 愿你们眼里有光 活成自己的精彩 愿你们脚下有路 勇敢地追逐梦想 愿你们生活有甜 四季都是幸福的味道

By |2025-03-10T07:23:48+00:00March 10th, 2025|company news|Comments Off on 38Goddess Day | The boss personally delivers flowers,Such a corporate culture,Loved it!

good news|Warm congratulations to Chengdu Xinshen Technology Co., Ltd. for joining the China Machine Tools Industry Association

By |2025-03-03T09:09:20+00:00March 3rd, 2025|company news|Comments Off on good news|Warm congratulations to Chengdu Xinshen Technology Co., Ltd. for joining the China Machine Tools Industry Association

Core Synthetic Fourth Quarter Birthday Party|Warm winter appointment and happy birthday together

穿过斑斓的秋 我们相聚在浅冬 明亮烛光与声声祝福 奏响了生日快乐的乐章 在芯合成 我们追求工作的完美 也向往生活里的清欢 手执烟火 奔赴热爱 岁岁并进 共启新年华 芯合成第四季度生日会 TA来啦! 岁月浅浅 仪式满满 生日会在欢呼声拉开序幕 灯火阑珊柔光处 皆是欢声笑语 在这个充满温情的日子里 寿星们纷纷为彼此送上祝福 并许下美好生日愿望 晚宴过后 在音乐律动节拍下 寿星们开始玩起了游戏 现场气氛活跃 大家在互动中分享喜悦 增强彼此交流 快乐的时光总是短暂的 随着第四季生日会完美收官 本年度的团建活动也圆满落幕 我们共同经历了 春华秋实寒来暑往的市井烟火 也一起携手工作绘制事业蓝图 回首过往星满路 积蓄力量向未来 2025年 我们继续并肩前进 一路向阳待花开

By |2025-01-06T06:51:21+00:00January 6th, 2025|company news|Comments Off on Core Synthetic Fourth Quarter Birthday Party|Warm winter appointment and happy birthday together

Core Synthetic Third Quarter Birthday Party|Autumn light is the prelude to celebrate the birthday together

Everywhere the time is clear, there is laughter. Wherever the years flow, the eyes are full of beautiful scenery. We may not be so bright, but every moment we are together, there is light in our eyes. The third quarter birthday party is prefaced by the autumn light. Celebrate birthdays together with fireworks and look to the stars. All wishes come true. With the host's domineering opening, the atmosphere of the scene was overwhelming. The birthday stars gathered together on this bright night to send birthday wishes to each other and made good wishes under the lights. Gathering the strength of the team to build a corporate culture, Xinhehe not only focuses on products but also cares about every hard-working family member. At this birthday party, company leaders also came to the scene to toast to the birthdays and send birthday red envelopes and blessings. Beautiful scenery everywhere. After the Good Day Dinner, the carnival mode was started and cakes were eaten on site.、Watching the show... lots of fun at the venue、With bursts of joyful singing, the birthday girls enjoy the happy time together. This warm and joyful atmosphere is intertwined.、The dinner, which was both surprising and touching, ended happily with everyone’s cheers. This event not only enhanced the employees’ sense of belonging、Cohesion promotes friendship and collaboration among colleagues, and also demonstrates the employee-oriented corporate culture. Spring is passing and autumn is passing, and the years are long. Let us at Core Synthesizer continue to go hand in hand and live up to the time.、Build a dream for tomorrow and be filled with light

By |2024-09-30T08:32:17+00:00September 30th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Core Synthetic Third Quarter Birthday Party|Autumn light is the prelude to celebrate the birthday together

Welcome to Core Synthesis Technology

Synthetic Technology is a research and development、produce、Sales as a high-tech enterprise,Focus on wireless data transmission and motion control research,Dedicated to industrial remote control、Wireless electronic handwheel、CNC remote control、Motion control card、Integrated CNC system and other fields。We thank all sectors of society for their strong support and selfless care for the core synthesis technology,Thank you employees for your hard work。

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